Divorce Services
I am a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst®, which means that I’m trained in financial issues that are specific to divorce. My two decades as a CPA, including the past twelve years specializing in personal finance issues and tax preparation, have been a natural path to assisting clients to navigate the difficult financial issues that divorce always brings.
Ending a marriage is never easy, even in the most amicable of divorces, and having someone you can trust to help guide you through the process can be invaluable. As a CPA and a CDFA®, I can speak to all financial aspects of the divorce process:
● Splitting pensions or other retirement plans
● The implications of one spouse keeping the marital home
● How to handle joint debt
● Calculating spousal support – weighing the needs of one spouse with the ability to pay of the other
● Tax issues surrounding divorce: who can and should claim the children as dependents, as well as immediate and long-term tax consequences of property divisions and spousal support
I can assist in a number of ways with the divorce process:
● I can help you and your attorney to understand the short- and long-term impacts of possible divisions of property, alimony and child support, and testify as to my conclusions in court or arbitration.
● I can act as a neutral financial expert in mediation to assist in finding a settlement that is agreeable to both parties.
● I can assist you in filling out divorce-related paperwork.
● I can help you adjust financially to this new stage of life and assist you in gaining control of your finances so that you are confident in the choices you make around your money.
Hourly Fee: $200 per hour
There may be discounts available in certain circumstances. I accept cash, checks, credit cards, and Venmo.
Divorce Resources
Getting a handle on the finances of your marriage is often one of the most overwhelming things women face in a divorce. Here is a list of financial documents that might help you as you’re looking at the finances of your marriage or preparing to meet with an attorney.
Important Financial Documents for Divorce:
Article about taxes in divorce
Contact me if you’d like some expert assistance with the financial aspect of your divorce.
Links to Other Divorce-Related Websites
Pine Tree Legal: this website has a ton of helpful information for someone looking ahead at a divorce in Maine.
Maine Divorce Workshop: a 3-hour workshop for women facing divorce. It provides an overview of legal, financial and emotional issues.
Kids First: an organization that supports divorcing families.
Maine Collaborative Law Alliance: an organization of professionals trained in the Collaborative model of divorce.
Divorce Care: a divorce recovery support group. Held at 8 locations across Maine.

Starting Over
I work so often with women (and sometimes men) who have experienced the loss of a partner – through death, illness, or divorce – who suddenly find themselves in charge of the family finances and feel completely unprepared. They’ve been through a traumatic event and this feels like one thing too many.
Often there are big decisions to be made: Should I sell the house? If I do, where will I live? Am I going to stay in the area or move out of state? How much money can I afford to put down on a new home? What will my mortgage look like? Should I rent instead of buy?
There are also smaller things, such as paying the monthly bills and tracking where the money is going, which might be an unfamiliar and possibly uncomfortable role. At the very least, they no longer have someone to talk to about their money. They used to be part of a couple and had common goals. Money isn’t something we typically talk about casually to our friends and family, so it can feel isolating if you have no one to talk to.
If this describes your situation, you are not alone. Together, we can review your current financial situation; I’ll want to know what your assets and your debts look like and what you envision this new chapter of your life to be. We’ll talk about your monthly income and expenses and see if the choices you’re currently making with your money fit this new vision. We will prioritize your goals, which can include creating a safety net cash cushion, figuring out housing, paying for college if you have children at home, and saving for other goals like travel and having a comfortable retirement, and then we will make a plan to use your cash flow and current assets to make progress towards each of your goals. If you need help setting up a system to pay monthly bills or to change your spending habits, we can spend time talking about those items too. My goal is that you become confident and thoughtful in the choices you’re making around your money.
This can be a scary transition, but so many women come out the other side much stronger, more confident, and empowered to take charge of their finances.
Contact Allison To Get Started
I maintain the highest level of confidentiality regarding my clients. I will never reveal any personal information relating to any client, except at the specific request of the client.
Fee-Only Structure
I charge strictly by the hour, which ensures that I only give advice which is in my clients’ best interests. My fiduciary responsibility in every instance is solely to my client; I do not recommend any specific insurance or investment products and do not receive any commissions or other sources of revenue.