Just Starting Out
1. Figuring out your expenses and setting up a spending plan
2. Learning how to use credit cards wisely
3. Building a great credit score
4. Paying down student loans and other debt
5. Saving for a down payment on a house or other future goals
6. Understanding the power of starting to save for retirement at a young age, and considering options for setting up retirement savings
Raising a Family
1. Determining your monthly income and understanding where your money is going
2. Calculating your assets and debt
3. Figuring out goals and creating a spending plan to achieve them
4. Work out a plan to pay down debt
5. Balancing saving for college and retirement at the same time
6. Figuring out the amount of life insurance needed, and the most affordable way to get it
Feeling Unsure About Your Finances
1. Organizing financial documents
2. Understanding all sources of income and necessary expenses
3. Understanding all assets and debt
4. Figuring out where your money is going
5. Identifying values and goals for your money
6. Creating a spending plan to align your financial decisions with your goals
7. Building a great credit score
8. Paying down debt
9. Saving for the future
Entering Retirement
1. Understanding sources and amounts of income in retirement
2. Estimating expenses in retirement and creating a spending plan
3. Determining the number of assets and identifying any outstanding debt
4. Clarifying your vision of your retirement years
5. Creating a plan to ensure you don’t outlive your money
6. Discuss your plans or desire to leave an inheritance for your children or grandchildren
Contact Allison To Get Started
What Does Financial Coaching Look Like?
Being a financial coach means I help people to take control of their finances and work with them to make conscious financial decisions. As a coach, I seek to gain an understanding of my clients’ values and goals, and I help the individual understand the consequences of the choices available to her in order to assist her in making financial decisions that align with those goals. Watch the video to learn more about the process and how I can help you:
● Find a confidential and non-judgmental environment to learn how to make wise financial decisions.
● Organize your finances.
● Gain control of your financial life so you can sleep at night.
● Identify your financial goals and values.
● Treat your money mindfully and ensure it’s going where you want it to go.
● Use your money as a tool to help attain your goals.
● Become a good steward of your money.
Individual Financial Coaching
What to Expect from a Complimentary Coaching Call
I typically have a 30 minute free phone call before I meet with potential clients. That call serves to confirm for me that I can provide the services you’re looking for – and if I’m not the right person, I will refer you to someone who can help you better than I can – and also so that you can get a feel for whether I’d be a good fit for you before you decide to come in for an appointment.
In that call, I’ll ask you why you reached out to me so that I can understand exactly what you’re looking for from our session. Then I’ll tell you how I think our meeting would look, based on what you’ve told me. Once you decide you want to come in for a meeting, I’ll e-mail you my new client form. The form has three parts:
1. Assets and Liabilities – this is a list of everything you own and everything you owe. It includes things like the value of your home and the amount of your mortgage; any debts you have outstanding, as well as the interest rates and terns; and the balances of any investment or bank accounts.
2. Monthly Income and Expenses – this is the amount of money you have coming in every month and the amount of money you spend in a wide variety of categories. It doesn’t need to be perfect but the more accurate it is, the more helpful it will be in our conversation.
3. Financial Goals – this is exactly what it sounds like. There’s a place for short-term, intermediate-term and long-term goals. It’s really an opportunity for you to site down by yourself, or with your partner, if you have one, and think about what you really want to accomplish over the next few years.
My only source of revenue is client fees, which ensures that I only give advice which is in my clients’ best interests. My fiduciary responsibility in every instance is only to my client; I do not recommend any specific insurance or investment products and do not receive any commissions or other sources of revenue. Payment is expected at the time of each session. I accept cash, checks, Venmo, and credit cards. I don’t turn anyone away for inability to pay; if my full fee is unaffordable to you, please reach out to me and I will consider a discount.
6 Month Package
A 1.5-hour initial meeting, followed by five one-hour meetings on a monthly basis. After the first meeting, I will send you a summary of the plan that we came up with. Subsequent meetings will focus on progress and accountability, as well as adapting the plan as needed. Best for people who are really looking to change their financial habits and need a little extra support during the first months of change, or for people who may be facing transition or taking on new financial responsibilities for the first time.
Payment options: may be paid at each meeting ($300 for the initial meeting and $175 for follow-ups), or pay up front for a discounted price of $1,100.
Quarterly For a Year
A 1.5 hour initial meeting, followed by three 1-hour meetings on a quarterly basis. Includes access to me via e-mails or phone calls between meetings. After the first meeting, I will send you a summary of the plan that we came up with. Subsequent meetings will focus on progress and accountability, as well as adapting the plan as needed. Best for people who are looking to make progress but don’t need a monthly check-in.
Payment options: may be paid quarterly ($315 for the first meeting and $185 for each of the following three meetings).
1.5 Hour Financial Overview
One 1.5-hour meeting, going over all aspects of your personal finances: assets, liabilities, income and expenses, life insurance coverage, career and financial goals. We will prioritize your objectives and come up with a plan to achieve your goals. After the first meeting, I will send you a summary of the plan that we came up with. Perfect for anyone who’s looking for some guidance around their long-term financial plan.
Hourly Fee
If none of the above options meet your needs, I am available to meet on a hourly basis for $195 per hour.
There may be discounts available in certain circumstances. I generally do not turn anyone away for inability to pay. Payment is expected at the end of each session. I accept cash, checks, credit cards, or Venmo
Meetings can be held in person at my office in Portland, Maine, but I have clients all over the country. If Zoom or phone call is the easier or more efficient choice for you, regardless of where you’re located, we will meet using your preferred method.
Contact Allison To Get Started
I maintain the highest level of confidentiality regarding my clients. I will never reveal any personal information relating to any client, except at the specific request of the client.
Fee-Only Structure
I charge strictly by the hour, which ensures that I only give advice which is in my clients’ best interests. My fiduciary responsibility in every instance is solely to my client; I do not recommend any specific insurance or investment products and do not receive any commissions or other sources of revenue.