by Allison Bishop | Dec 12, 2024 | Family, General, Starting Out
My fifteen-year old minivan bit the dust over the summer, so I reluctantly pulled out the vehicle research I’d done over the past few months (this was not an entirely unexpected event) and became a car shopper. I took advantage of the fact that my son was home from...
by Allison Bishop | Dec 14, 2022 | Family, General
A few months ago I started to recognize a pattern that some of my clients were struggling with when I’d ask them to come up with a summary of their spending. It turns out that they’d hit an expense that could have fit into a couple of different categories, and then...
by Allison Bishop | Nov 15, 2022 | Family, General
I had a client come in recently who wanted to talk about lending a significant amount of money to a family member. It’s not something I see a lot, and it got me thinking about what you need to consider before lending money. Lending money to a loved one might make...
by Allison Bishop | May 11, 2022 | Family, General, Starting Out
Photo by Jonathan J. Castellon on Unsplash I get a lot of couples coming in to my office, and one thing that we tend to talk about is communication. What do you need to talk about, and how often? Note that right now I’m talking about a couple in a long-term...
by Allison Bishop | Jan 11, 2022 | Family, General, Starting Out
I’ve become a big fan of goal-setting in recent years. I started out with financial goals back in 2012, and in recent years have added other areas; last year I had goals in four other categories: Professional, Health/Wellness, Family, and Friends. I love this...
by Allison Bishop | Dec 2, 2021 | General, Uncategorized
Sometimes, we find ourselves on a good path. We may not be breaking any records for paying off debt or saving for the future, but we’re doing okay. Everything is chugging along. And then life happens. What does that look like? It might be a major medical event, or a...